Sunday, February 5, 2012

Technology and It's Impact on Today's Business World

Today technology plays a huge role in how the modern-businesses world operates. In this week's lesson we learned about the impact of technology not only on businesses individually, but on the business world as a whole.

I find it fascinating how much technology has changed the way things are. Business is moving to a paperless world, with the use of technology. Businesses are online now, using technology to communicate with their employees and clients, save documents and preform daily tasks.

In order to make it in today's world it is imperative to understand technology. It is built into jobs everywhere; it is rare for a job in today's world not to involve technology in any aspect.

Technology in today's business wold encourages people to develop critical thinking skills, evaluate new and up and coming technologies and gives employees an advantage in making decisions.

Technology has changed the way the business world operates in the past twenty years as it evolves will continue to change in years to come.  To work in today's business world you need to be willing to change and adapt as the technologies impact the way things are done.

Although technology has impacted the business world, it is understood that it is a "key enabler" rather than the reason for advantages. The key values of business haven't changed, but technology gives companies the the tools to succeed in today's world.

The best thing you can do when it comes to technology is embrace the changes, rather than fight them. Technology has the power to positively impact your experience in the business world in more ways than one.

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