Sunday, March 18, 2012

Technology: Past, Present and Future (Blog 9)

The history of technology and all that is associated with it is a fascinating. Starting with the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, later to become IBM. It is amazing to me that the idea of advanced technology was thought of at that time. Then in 1958 the first integrated circuit, by Texas instruments, which led to the first modern computer. It is astounding to me how far technology has come in the last 100 years.

 In this lesson we also learned about Moore's law which is that the chip or processor performance should per dollar of cost double every 18 months, basically saying that chips manufactured now should be twice as fast but cost the same. This is an interesting concept to me. More and more technology is being made available to consumers at the same or lower price. This is a trend that I have seen in the market over the last couple of years.

 Price elasticity was also discussed in this lesson. I found it very interesting how much price can affect the popularity of an item. In the video the example of the Kindle Fire and the iPad were compared and it was said that if the price for an iPad was lowered the demand would increase. This is a concept I had never really thought of before hearing this. And inversely the demand for something like Insulin is never affected because of the price.

 An interesting concept to keep in mind is where technology is headed in the future. It is beneficial to focus on the future and new technological advancements as they are happening everyday.

 The quote, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be," said by Wayne Gretzky. It perfectly fits the computer industry in knowing where it is going, always knowing potential and not dwelling on the past.

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